Essex Repeater Group - News in Brief

Maintenance/Upgrade Work

Two items to note at present:

  • GB7ZP - see below
  • MB7IDA - is subject to local site work - see status here

GB7ZP - On Air - Upgrades in progress

GB7ZP our UHF D-Star repeater is back on air following major changes, though upgrade work continues on its gateway, which isn't currently connected.

Thanks to Icom-UK, GB7ZP is now using a new Icom ID-RP4010V repeater unit and has been re-engineered to fit a new 19" rack. This also necessitated its duplexer/filter to be re-packaged into a new 1U unit as well.

Previously the original ID-RP4000V unit (which had the duplexer internal, but separate ID-RP2C Controller) had another power output fault.

The new generation repeater model requires G3.1 Gateway software (vs our older v3.0), but as the CentOS-7 Linux OS is also about to be obsolete, we are planning a major gateway upgrade to G3.2 and Alma Linux-9. Whilst that is in progess there is no reflector connectivity, but please do undertake RF tests and give reports to repeater keeper Joel G0URK.

2023 ERG AGM - Thu Oct-26

The 2023 Essex Repeater Group AGM was held at Danbury Village Hall, near Chelmsford on Thursday evening Oct-26, 7:30 for 8pm.

Features included Refreshments, a Prize Raffle and Surplus items for sale. As usual, the 2023 event approved the previous AGM minutes for release.

Note: We still have a vacancy for a Treasurer, and are keen on additional volunteers!

GB3ER - Upgraded

Following the upgrade of GB3DA in Dec-2019, a similar Yaesu Fusion repeater was installed for GB3ER on 7-Jul-2021. Unlike GB3DA, we have set GB3ER to use Automatic Mode Selection (AMS). So whilst FM inputs continue to give FM outputs, any Digital-C4FM inputs will give Digital Outputs. Analogue users are thus reminded that 110.9Hz Tone Squelch must be set on their receivers for them to ignore digital outputs. Do not over deviate - as NBFM is in use.

We are grateful to Lamco for responding to our enquiries for the system and optional modules required.

Such investment would not be possible without members support and subs - which will be appreciated if we are ever to cover the cost of a future internet link on site.

ERG Systems and Special Events

ERG has hosted additional nets, especially on GB3DA

More info: See here for details

ERG has also been pleased to support Special Events, GB0MWT, GB100MZX, GB80CH and GB100-2MT during this period

Note: ERG also encourages use of GB3ER and our other systems for such. If any group requires an extra net, please coordinate with the Keeper / ERG Secretary first!

GB3DB - 6m - On Air

GB3DB is on air after undergoing Transmitter/PA maintenance following its antenna replacement on Sun 30-Aug-2020. ERG were pleased to acquire the latest version of a Diamond CP62 antenna at short notice.

ERG Supports Gateway Expansion

Our Systems Menu now includes details of additional gateways set up by ERG and its committee members

  • MB7IDA - 2m ERG Echolink
  • MB6IMD - 70cm C4FM/WiresX - M1DOZ
  • MB6ZZ - 2m DStar - M0SSK

    MB7IDA - 2m Echolink Upgrade

    MB7IDA, formerly at Clive G1EUCs qth in Danbury, is on air from its Chelmsford location with GB7ZP. A new MS-Windows Gateway controller was installed in March 2021. Brand new Echolink v2.3 software was installed in June 2021 inc a new CQ feature.

    Frequency: 145.3375 MHz NBFM, 110.9 Hz CTCSS, Node 265297

    GB3DA - Upgrade

    On Sunday 8-Dec-2019, DA-2 was changed over to our new Yaesu DR-2XE (now termed DA-4), following a few days of intermittent power settings on DA-2. This necessitated a number of rapid onsite modifications to accomodate it. It is configured to accept either FM or C4FM Fusion inputs, whilst always giving out NBFM as usual.

    Note thats it internal controller is quite different to the G8CUL logic that has been in use - it has a different style of ident, but unfortunately no 'K'. Our thanks to Moonraker for their help in supplying the kit.

    The system will continue to run in standalone mode as there is currently no onsite internet available. If resolved, future plans are to use the new IMRS standard (whereas Wires-X may be used separately by our simplex gateways). Capability has also been retained to fall back to DA-1/2 once their PAs are attended to.

    GB3CMS - 10GHz Beacon

    GB3CMS has moved and been re-licensed for the same Chelmsford site as MB7IDA and GB7ZP. Its antenna/radome is being re-engineered. Longer term upgrades will be considered in due course.

    ERG Subs/Donations - via Paypal

    ERG accepts PayPal for online subs and donations (as well as old fashioned cash):-

  • Click here for our Online Payments page

    Paypal also accepts most well known bank cards if you do not have a PayPal account. New members should ensure that they separately send full details of their address/contact information using the membership form

    Click here if you do not see the main menu bar on the left
