GB7ZP 70cm D-Star

GB7ZP was first licensed in Sept-2008 to support D-Star Digital Voice activity in central Essex. Formerly based at the qth of Clive G1EUC in Danbury, it is now based in the Chelmsford area and moved to a new site in Jan-2022.

Status: RF ON - Under maintenance, Gateway not connected (subject to upgrades)

Frequency Input 430.4875 MHz, Output 439.4875 MHz   (DVU39)
Transceiver Icom RP4010V - April-2024
Power 25W erp
Antenna Diamond X300 vertical
NGR TL 722 102
Locator JO01FS
Coverage Map GB7ZP

Gateway users should ensure they are registered/valid for the G2/G3 network:

D-Star Guide: A quick one pager on D-Star -

ZP Quick Links:
Sync Status Last Heard



  • The ERG Gallery has pictures of the System units, Duplexer, Logic and Gateway
  • Duplexer: Upgraded-2024, Original-2008, Modified-2010 - hi-res photos


    • GB7ZP runs Icom G3 software, following Gateway hardware and software upgrades in July 2019 from G2.
    • 2024: A further gateway revamp to upgrade to G3.2 is in progress (based on Alma Linux)
    • Users are free to connect to reflectors - connections are reset by the gateway housekeeping at 4am each day
    • Reflector connectivity requires you to be registered. If you once registered locally on a repeater/gateway that is now out of service, check that your are still valid! This is why we recommend Icom's service - we do not register locally on ZP.
