Linked Gateways / Reflectors
ModuleLinked to
ANot linked
BNot linked
CNot linked

Software Clients

Local RF Users
CallsignLast TX onDate-Time
G0URKGB7ZP B2024-11-13 13:37:02 GMT
M7DPHGB7ZP B2024-11-13 09:36:40 GMT
2E0EYGGB7ZP B2024-11-12 17:35:41 GMT
M1DOZGB7ZP B2024-11-12 15:21:42 GMT
M7ACRGB7ZP B2024-11-12 12:42:21 GMT

Remote Users
CallsignLast TX onSourceDate-Time

Status as of Thursday, 2024-11-14 01:50:03 GMT
Server Uptime: 1 day, 20 hours and 43 minutes

To link to XRF/DCS reflectors, 8th character in URCALL field should be:

O = Open (link to DCS/XRF reflector, eg. UR="DCS014BO")
T = Terminate (unlink from DCS/XRF reflector, eg. UR=".......T") - Also DTMF 73
W = What (query current link status, eg. UR=".......W") - Also DTMF 99

For DPlus reflectors, continue using L/U/I commands
(eg. UR="REF003CL" to link to reflector REF003C,
UR=".......U" to unlink from dplus)

NB: Make sure the module is first unlinked on both the dplus and g2_link sides before trying to set up a new link.